9 century
For Russian Hut nails and saws were rarely used, as the metal was expensive. The gaps between the logs were filled with clay, moss, hemp or tow. The smoke usually was released through a window or door).Steam baths are known in Russia since ancient times - the legend from the Tale of Bygone Years spoke about their existence already in the 1st century.
A kosovorotka is a shirt with a slanting collar, with long sleeves, reaching the middle of the thigh. The traditional upper garment, known since ancient times. The gate looked beveled when unbuttoned.
Lapti - East Slavic version of shoes from bast. Like a basket in the form of a foot. Bast shoes were mainly of linden bast or birch bast.
Baked milk and ryazhenka - made from whole milk by boiling and subsequent prolonged uniform heating (8 hours or more).
Schi - Russian soup with cabbage as the main ingredient, which allowed the cooked dish to be safely stored for a long time without losing taste.
The harp is the oldest type of Slavic and Russian multi-string plucked instrument. The harp could have come from the Byzantine form of the Greek Kithara.
Pancakes - a culinary product from dough. Pancakes had a ritual meaning in the pre-Christian period, since they were a symbol of the sun because of the round shape.
Sour cream - fatty sour cream, containing about 40% of milk fat. Sour cream is ideal for dishes that require long cooTsar in the oven, because did not fold.
10 century
A multi-headed church is a common form for Russian churches, which distinguishes Russia from other orthodox nations and Christian denominations.Kokoshnik is a traditional female headdress, tied at the back of the head with a long thick ribbon like a big bow.
Kissel is a dessert consisting of sweetened juice (usually from berries), oats, corn or potato starch were used for thickening, sometimes red wine or dried fruits were added.
Kvass is a fermented drink made from rye or rye bread. It depended on bread whether there would be dark or light kvass. Although it contained alcohol (1.2%) as a result of fermentation, it was nevertheless attributed to non-alcoholic beverages.
Mead - an old Slavic alcoholic drink based on honey. Fermented honey was exported as a luxury product to Europe in large quantities (Fermentation took place naturally for 15-50 years).
11 century
Birch bark letters - letters and notes made on birch bark. In Russia, birch bark was used as a cheap substitute for parchment and paper.Koçh was an ancient form of an icebreaker. This is a one-or two-masted wooden sailing ship used for navigation in the Arctic seas and rivers of Siberia. Koch was developed by the Russian Pomors in the 11th century, when they mastered the shores of the White Sea. A characteristic feature of the body of a coch was the egg-shaped form.
The skeleton of the kocha is protected from floating ice floes with cladding (made of oak or larch) along the possible waterline, and had a false hood for crossing over ice. Eastern Slavs discovered a way to accelerate fermentation by heating the honey mixture, which made mead widely available in Kievan Rus.
Russian fist fight is an ancient Russian martial art, similar to modern boxing.
Silver coinage.
The horn (bow) is an ancient stringed musical instrument of the Eastern Slavs.
12 century
First - type of club with feathers (plates) welded to the knob.Checker - a special type of saber, very sharp, one-sided sharpening, one-handed and without guard. By sight checker something between a saber and a straight sword.
A bear or spear spear is a midcentury type of spear used in hunting for bears or other large animals, such as bison and war horses.
The pointedThe pointed tip of the ratine is enlarged and usually has the form of a bay leaf.
Ratchet - Russian folk ethnic autophone musical instrument, which was used to simulate the clapping.
13 century
Soha is a wooden plow that could be pulled by one horse. The plow was a development of a scratching plow. The coulters, who turned the earth over in the plow, simply pushed aside the layer of earth in the plow, which made it possible to preserve soil fertility. Lapta is a Russian game with a ball and a bat (lapto), reminiscent of modern baseball.Dumplings - a dish originally from Siberia. The word «dumplings» came from the Finno-Ugric languages: Komi, Udmurt, Mansi. Mongol-Tatars brought the main idea of ravioli from China to Siberia and Eastern Europe.
14 century
Abur is an alphabet designed and introduced by Russian missionary Stephan Permsky in 1372.The name comes from the first two letters «A» and «Bur». The alphabet is based on the Cyrillic alphabet, the Greek alphabet and the Komi tribal signs. It was used up to the 17th century when it was supplanted by the Cyrillic alphabet.
The belfry is a large rectangular structure containing many arches or beams on which the bells were attached. The bell-ringer, who drove the bells from below with long ropes, played them like a giant musical instrument.
A sundress is a long, shapeless apron type part of a traditional folk costume worn by girls and women.
15 century
Berdysh is a long ax, uniting the merits of an ax and a spear. In Eastern Europe, it was used instead of a halberd. Berdysh was regularly and widely spread at the beginning of the 15th century in Russia.Gulyai-gorod is a mobile fortress made of shields mounted on carts or sleds. The use of shields instead of armored carts allowed more combinations during assembly.
The boyar's cap, also known as the gorlatnaya cap, is made of fur and was worn by the Russian nobility between 15-17 centuries, mainly boyars, who emphasized their status. The higher the cap, the higher the status.
Russian stove or Russian stove - a unique type of stove / hearth. It was used both for cooTsar and for heating.
Rassolnik is a Russian soup made from pickled cucumbers, pearl barley, pork or beef kidneys, although there was a vegetarian version. The dish is known from the 15th century, when it was first called «kalya».
1430 Russian vodka is a distillation drink made up only of water and ethanol. Produced by fermentation of rye, wheat and others. The standard percentage of alcohol - 40.
16 century
Berdysh became the weapon of archers, servicemen, armed with handguns, who used the riders as a support when shooting.1515 The Stroganovs salt-mining industry opened.
1563 Beginning of printing.
Hip roof - technology in Russian architecture, widely used in the 16-17th centuries. Until that time, tent conical (polygonal) roofs were made of wood for the same wooden churches. The idea of such a roof shape originated in the Russian north: it did not allow snow to accumulate on wooden buildings during the long winter.
Kokoshnik (architecture) is a semi-circular or keeled element of traditional Russian architecture, a type of protruding blind arches.
The end of the 16th century Russian abacus or accounts is a decimal type of abacus, which is a frame with a dozen beads on each wire. The tenth of the Russian abacus and simplicity led to the widespread use of accounts up to the invention of the calculator.
17 century
The Battery Tower is a late type of siege tower, carrying artillery inside, developing the idea of a walking-city. The first such tower was built by Russian military engineer I.G. Vyrodkovym for the siege of Kazan in 1552 and could carry 10 large-caliber guns and 50 small.Towns is an old Russian-national sports game. The goal is to break a group of pins laid in a certain order by throwing a bat at them. The pins were called «towns», and the square zone where they are folded is «city».
Roller coasters - winter sleigh races conducted on hills specially made of ice, sometimes up to 80 meters high, were the precursors of modern roller coasters.
The triple is a traditional Russian horse cart, the only one in the world of different allure sleds: the middle horse («root») had to run a clear trot, and the side horses («buckle») - at a gallop, which allowed them to develop very high speeds (up to 40-50 km / hour).
Balalaika is a stringed instrument with a characteristic triangular deck and three strings. The balalaika family consisted of: a balalaika prima, a second balalaika, a balalaika alto, a bass balalaika, a balalaika double bass.
Barrel roof or just a barrel - a type of roof in traditional Russian architecture, which was a semi-cylinder witharaised or pointed upper part, similar to a pointed kokoshnik.
Khokhloma - painting on wood with bright floral patterns, red and gold on a black background on cheap and light wooden utensils or accessories.
The bird of happiness is a traditional toy for the Russian North, carved in the shape of a bird. It was invented by the Pomors, the inhabitants of the coast of the White and Barents Seas.
The bird of happiness was made without glue or other fastenings, carefully cutting out thin petals for the wings and tail of the bird.
18 century
1704 Decimal money system. Russia was the 1st country to introduce such a currency after the reform of the financial system in 1704. After 91 years, the example of Russia was followed by France.1717 A lathe with a mechanized composite support of A.K. Nartov made it possible to grind a part easily and with great precision.
1746 A.K. Nartov invented the optical sight for artillery guns.
1754 M.V. Lomonosov invented a working prototype of the vertical take-off apparatus for lifting meteorological instruments.
1763 A two-cylinder steam engine was designed and built by I.I. Crawler. He was also credited with creating the first economizer in the world.
1776 I.P. Kulibin made a model of a bridge across the Neva with a length of 298 meters in 1/10 scale, marking the beginning of the modeling of bridges.
1791 I.P. Kulibin designed a mechanical prosthetic leg. This invention was highly appreciated by military doctors and former military men.
1790s A.O. Sichra invented the Russian guitar.
1793 Screw elevator - a type of elevator that used a screw system instead of a winch, led to the creation of modern passenger elevators. The first such elevator was invented by I.P. Kulibin and installed in the Winter Palace.
19 century
1839 In 1834 B.S. Jacobi (German and Russian inventor physicist) created the 1st in the world with the direct rotation of the armature electric motor.1802 The establishment in a ministry of public education and the division of the country into 6 great educational districts to administer a network of
In 1838 he discovered electroplating - the process of deposition of metal on the form, allowing you to create perfect copies of the original object.
In 1839 he invented the electric boat.
In 1832 P.L. Schilling was invented by the Electromagnetic Telegraph. Information was transmitted using codes invented by them.
In 1839 B.S. Jacobi created a writing telegraph, and in 1850 - direct printing.
1847-54 N.I. Pirogov owned a palm for the introduction of anesthesia with ether in the field - in the hospitals of the fronts of the Caucasian and Russian-Turkish wars. He also founded field surgery.
1848 1848, at the suggestion of a member of the Central Administration of the Transcaucasian Region V.N. Semenov 1e took place in the world oil drilling for oil production.
In 1857 FK San Galli was invented by a radiator (a heat exchanger used to transfer heat from one medium to another).
In 1864 M.O. Britney built an icebreaker (this is a ship for movement through ice-covered waters). Also 1864 - the year of the creation of a torpedo (self-propelled military projectile) I.F. Alexandrovsky.
In 1867 N.A. Teleshov was the author of one of the 1x in the world of jet aircraft projects.
In 1869 D.I. Mendeleev invented the Periodic System of Chemical Elements.
In 1872 A.N. Lodygin invented the electric lamp.
In 1873, under the leadership of A.A. Popova was built the 1st in the world oceanic armored cruiser.
1876 In 1876 PN Yablochkov was invented by Yablochkov Candle. It was first demonstrated as street and theater lighting at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1878.
In 1880 F.A. Pirotsky was invented by an electric tram.
In 1881 N.I. Kibalchich created the scheme of the aircraft on the jet propulsion - the project of the rocket.
In 1882 A.F. Mozhaisky was built Aircraft Mozhaisky - one of the 1x in the world of aircraft, intended to lift man centurya.
In 1895 A.S. Popov invented a radio receiver (extracting signals from radio emissions).
20 century
1901 I.P. Pavlov opened the conditioned reflex. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1904 for his work on the physiology of digestion.The same year, I.I. Mechnikov created the Phagocytic theory of immunity. For his work in the field of immunity, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908, along with P.I. Erlich.
In 1903 K.E. Tsiolkovsky formulated a theoretical rationale for the possibility of space flight.
In 1904 proof of the lifting theorem N.E. Zhukovsky can be considered the year of birth of aerodynamics as a science.
In 1907 B.L. Rosing invented the first electronic method of recording and reproducing an image.
In 1913 I.I. Sikorsky invented a passenger plane - the 4-engine aircraft «Russian Knight» and «Ilya Muromets» appeared in the world 1st.
In the 1920s V.I. Vernadsky made a huge contribution to the creation of geochemistry. He became the founder of biogeochemistry.
In 1937 V.P. Demikhov created the Artificial Heart.
In 1939 the Katusha Self-Propelled Multiple-launch Vault System was invented.
In 1940 M.I. Koshkin created the T-34 Tank.
In 1947 the Kalashnikov machine gun was invented. The AK and its modifications were the most common small arms in the world.
In 1954 under the leadership of I.V. Kurchatov was built 1st in the world nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant). And the reactor for it was designed by N.А. Dollezhal.
1961 1961 The mass supersonic MiG-21 was launched in 1955.
1957The first artificial Earth satellite Sputnik-1 was launched in 1957.
In 1961 the 1st manned spacecraft (Yu.A. Gagarin) launched the Vostok-1 spacecraft.
In 1966 the 1st artificial moon of the Moon «Luna-10» was launched.
In 1967 for the first time, docking was carried out between the spacecraft Cosmos-186 and Cosmos-188.
1970s Created by J.I. Alfair semiconductor heterostructures played an important role in the development of electronics in the 1970s (Nobel Prize).
In 1970 the 1st Planetary Rover Lunokhod-1 was sunk.
In 1973 S.N. Fedorov was the first to have a glaucoma treatment.
In 1975 the nuclear-powered icebreaker «Arktika» was the 2nd Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker and the 1st ship that reached the North Pole in surface navigation.
In 1985 the Komsomolets Submarine set an absolute record of immersion - 1027 meters.
In 1987 the Mir deepwater submersible reached the bottom at the North Pole.