9 century
862-879 The reign of Prince Rurik (Varyazhsky) in Novgorod.
Scientists do not know to what ethnic group the family of Prince Rurik belonged to. None of the theories about its origin have yet been proven.
864 Beginning of the reign of Askold and Dir in Kiev (boyars (warriors) of the Prince of Novgorod Rurik).
879 Prince Rurik died in a military campaign. «Prophetic» Oleg (Prince Rurik's relative, regent over young Igor Rurikovich, the son of Prince Rurik) became the Prince of Novgorod.
882 Prince Oleg's campaign from Novgorod to Kiev. Kiev became the capital of the ancient Russian state. The murder of Kievan Princes Askold and Dir by Oleg.
882-912 Prince Oleg was ruling in Kievan Rus and died in military campaign.
10 century
912-945 Igor I Rurikovich «Old». Killed by The Drevlians (a tribe of Early East Slavs between the 6th and the 10th century) while collecting the tribute.
945-964 The reign of his wife Princess Olga. Olga brutally avenged the death of her husband, Prince Igor, and forced the Drevlians into submission. Olga was appointed as a regent of her and Igor's young son Svyatoslav. One of the most important actions of Princess Olga was her baptism in Constantinople in ~ 955. In 1547 Princess Olga was canonized.
964-972 Svyatoslav I Igorevich «the Great». Got the throne after the death of his mother, Princess Olga. Killed by the Pechenegs while returning from the Bulgarian campaign.
970-977 Oleg Svyatoslavich. Prince Drevlyansky.
972-978 Yaropolk Svyatoslavich. Got the power by the order of his father (Svyatoslav). Killed by brother Vladimir's vigilantes.
978-1015 Vladimir I Svyatoslavich «Red Sun». He seized the throne in a war against his brother Yaropolk. He died of old age in Kiev.
11 century
1018-1019 Svyatopolk Vladimirovich I «the Cursed». Captured power after the death of his father (Vladimir). Kicked out of Kiev by the troops of Yaroslav Vladimirovich.
1016-1018, 1019-1054 Novgorod Prince Yaroslav I Vladimirovich «the Wise» . He entered Kiev after his brother's escape. The division of Russia between his sons. Triumvirate of Yaroslavichi.
1054-1068, 1069-1073 Izyaslav I Yaroslavovich. Received the throne by inheritance. He fled to Poland after the Kiev uprising in 1068.
1068-1069 Vseslav I «the Wizard». Kiev people helped him to seize power.
1073-1076 Svyatoslav II Yaroslavovich. He captured Kiev from Izyaslav I with the help of his brother Vsevolod.
1076-1077 Vsevolod I Yaroslavovich «the Peacemaker.» He ascended the throne after the death of his brother Svyatoslav. Gave power to his brother Izyaslav I.
1077-1078 Izyaslav I received reign (again) from his younger brother Vsevolod. Died in the battle on Nezhatinoy Niva.
1078-1093 Vsevolod I Yaroslavovich. Re-took the throne after the death of his brother Izyaslav I. He died from a long illness.
1093-1113 Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich. Took the throne at the invitation of Vladimir Monomakh. He died from the disease.
1113-1125 Vladimir II Monomakh Vsevolodovich, in Kiev.
1125-1132 Mstislav Vladimirovich, in Kiev. The beginning of the collapse of Kievan Rus after the death of Mstislav Vladimirovich.
1149-1150 Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky.
1157-1174 Prince Andrei «Bogolyubsky» (son of Yuri Dolgoruky) reign. He was killed in 1174.
1176-1212 Vsevolod «the Big Nest» (son of Yuri Dolgoruky) reign in Vladimir-Suzdal (Vsevolod had 12 children).
1199 Unification of Volyn and Galitsky principalities.
13 century
1212-1216, 1218-1238 Yuri II Vsevolodovich.
1216-1218 Konstantin Vsevolodovich «the Kind».
1238-1246 Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - Prince of Pereyaslavl, Grand Prince of Kiev (1236-1238, 1243-1246), Grand Prince of Vladimir (1238-1246), Prince of Novgorod.
1246–1247 Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.
1247–1248 Mikhail Yaroslavovich «the Brave».
1249–1252 Andrey Yaroslavovich.
1252-1263 Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.
1263-1272 Yaroslav III Yaroslavovich.
1272-1276 Vasily Yaroslavovich Kostroma.
1276-1281, 1283-1294 Dmitry Alexandrovich Pereyaslavsky.
1281-1283, 1293-1304 Andrey Alexandrovich «Gorodetsky».
1328-1341 Ivan I Daniilovich Kalita.
1341-1353 Simeon Ivanovich «the Proud».
1353-1359 Ivan II Ivanovich «the Merciful».
1359-1363 Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdal, great grandson of Andrey Yaroslavich.
1363-1389 Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy.
1363 Approval of Dmitry Ivanovich at the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.
1389-1425 Vasily I Dmitrievich.
15 century
1425-1433 Vasily II Vasilyevich «the Dark».
1433-1434 Yury Dmitrievich Zvenigorodsky (Yury Galitsky), brother of Vasily Dmitrievich.
1434-1462 Vasily II Vasilyevich «the Dark».
1462-1505 Ivan III Vasilyevich «the Great».
16 century
1505-1533 Vasily III Ivanovich.
1533-1538 Elena Glinskaya.
1533-1537 The beginning of reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich «the Terrible».
1538-1547 Boyar rule.
1547-1584 In 1547, upon reaching adulthood, Ivan was crowned Tsar of All Russia. Before him all rulers of Muscovy were Grand Princes. Ivan was the first to appoint himself the tsar, «Caesar», in the European tradition of «emperor», whose power comes directly from God.
1584-1598 Fyodor Ivanovich «the Blessed».
The End of the Rurik Dynasty.
1598-1605 Boris Fedorovich Godunov.
Before 1613 Start of the Time of Troubles.
17 century
April-June 1605 Fedor Borisovich Godunov.
1605-1606 False Dmitry I.
1606-1610 Vasily IV Shuisky.
1610-1613 Seven Boyars.
1613-1645 1st Tsar of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
1645-1676 Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov «the Tishayshy» (most quiet).
1676-1682 Fedor Alekseevich Romanov.
1682-1689 Sophia Alekseyevna ruled as regent of Russia.
1682-1696 Ivan V Alekseevich Romanov.
1682-1725 Peter I Alekseevich the Great.
18 century
1725-1727 Catherine I Alekseevna (wife of Peter I).
1727-1730 Peter II Alekseevich (grandson of Peter I - 12-year-old son of Tsarevich Alexei).
1730-1740 Anna Ioanovna (Peter I's niece - came from Kurland).
1740-1741 Ivan VI Antonovich (3-month-old nephew of Anna Ioannovna).
1741-1761 Elizaveta Petrovna (daughter of Peter I).
1761-1762 Peter III Fedorovich (grandson of Peter I, son of Anna Petrovna).
1762-1796 Catherine II Alekseevna (Peter III's wife).
1796-1801 Pavel I Petrovich.
19 century
1801-1825 Alexander I Pavlovich.
1825-1855 Nikolai I Pavlovich.
1855-1881 Alexander II Nikolaevich.
1881-1894 Alexander III Aleksandrovich.
1894-1917 Nikolai II Aleksandrovich.
20 century
March-July 1917 Lvov Georgy Evgenievich.
July-November 1917 Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich.
1917-1924 Ulyanov ( Lenin ) Vladimir Ilyich.
1924-1953 Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich.
1953-1964 Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich.
1964-1982 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.
1982-1984 Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov.
1984-1985 Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich.
1985-1991 Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich.
1991-1999 Boris Yeltsin.
since 1999 Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich.
9 century
862-879 The reign of Prince Rurik (Varyazhsky) in Novgorod. Scientists do not know to what ethnic group the family of Prince Rurik belonged to. None of the theories about its origin have yet been proven.
864 Beginning of the reign of Askold and Dir in Kiev (boyars (warriors) of the Prince of Novgorod Rurik).
879 Prince Rurik died in a military campaign. «Prophetic» Oleg (Prince Rurik's relative, regent over young Igor Rurikovich, the son of Prince Rurik) became the Prince of Novgorod.
882 Prince Oleg's campaign from Novgorod to Kiev. Kiev became the capital of the ancient Russian state. The murder of Kievan Princes Askold and Dir by Oleg.
882-912 Prince Oleg was ruling in Kievan Rus and died in military campaign.
10 century
912-945 Igor I Rurikovich «Old». Killed by The Drevlians (a tribe of Early East Slavs between the 6th and the 10th century) while collecting the tribute. 945-964 The reign of his wife Princess Olga. Olga brutally avenged the death of her husband, Prince Igor, and forced the Drevlians into submission. Olga was appointed as a regent of her and Igor's young son Svyatoslav. One of the most important actions of Princess Olga was her baptism in Constantinople in ~ 955. In 1547 Princess Olga was canonized.
964-972 Svyatoslav I Igorevich «the Great». Got the throne after the death of his mother, Princess Olga. Killed by the Pechenegs while returning from the Bulgarian campaign.
970-977 Oleg Svyatoslavich. Prince Drevlyansky.
972-978 Yaropolk Svyatoslavich. Got the power by the order of his father (Svyatoslav). Killed by brother Vladimir's vigilantes.
978-1015 Vladimir I Svyatoslavich «Red Sun». He seized the throne in a war against his brother Yaropolk. He died of old age in Kiev.
11 century
1018-1019 Svyatopolk Vladimirovich I «the Cursed». Captured power after the death of his father (Vladimir). Kicked out of Kiev by the troops of Yaroslav Vladimirovich. 1016-1018, 1019-1054 Novgorod Prince Yaroslav I Vladimirovich «the Wise» . He entered Kiev after his brother's escape. The division of Russia between his sons. Triumvirate of Yaroslavichi.
1054-1068, 1069-1073 Izyaslav I Yaroslavovich. Received the throne by inheritance. He fled to Poland after the Kiev uprising in 1068.
1068-1069 Vseslav I «the Wizard». Kiev people helped him to seize power.
1073-1076 Svyatoslav II Yaroslavovich. He captured Kiev from Izyaslav I with the help of his brother Vsevolod.
1076-1077 Vsevolod I Yaroslavovich «the Peacemaker.» He ascended the throne after the death of his brother Svyatoslav. Gave power to his brother Izyaslav I.
1077-1078 Izyaslav I received reign (again) from his younger brother Vsevolod. Died in the battle on Nezhatinoy Niva.
1078-1093 Vsevolod I Yaroslavovich. Re-took the throne after the death of his brother Izyaslav I. He died from a long illness.
1093-1113 Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich. Took the throne at the invitation of Vladimir Monomakh. He died from the disease.
12 century
1113-1125 Vladimir II Monomakh Vsevolodovich, in Kiev. 1125-1132 Mstislav Vladimirovich, in Kiev. The beginning of the collapse of Kievan Rus after the death of Mstislav Vladimirovich.
1149-1150 Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky.
1157-1174 Prince Andrei «Bogolyubsky» (son of Yuri Dolgoruky) reign. He was killed in 1174.
1176-1212 Vsevolod «the Big Nest» (son of Yuri Dolgoruky) reign in Vladimir-Suzdal (Vsevolod had 12 children).
1199 Unification of Volyn and Galitsky principalities.
13 century
1212-1216, 1218-1238 Yuri II Vsevolodovich.1216-1218 Konstantin Vsevolodovich «the Kind».
1238-1246 Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - Prince of Pereyaslavl, Grand Prince of Kiev (1236-1238, 1243-1246), Grand Prince of Vladimir (1238-1246), Prince of Novgorod.
1246–1247 Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.
1247–1248 Mikhail Yaroslavovich «the Brave».
1249–1252 Andrey Yaroslavovich.
1252-1263 Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.
1263-1272 Yaroslav III Yaroslavovich.
1272-1276 Vasily Yaroslavovich Kostroma.
1276-1281, 1283-1294 Dmitry Alexandrovich Pereyaslavsky.
1281-1283, 1293-1304 Andrey Alexandrovich «Gorodetsky».
14 century
1328-1341 Ivan I Daniilovich Kalita.1341-1353 Simeon Ivanovich «the Proud».
1353-1359 Ivan II Ivanovich «the Merciful».
1359-1363 Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdal, great grandson of Andrey Yaroslavich.
1363-1389 Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy.
1363 Approval of Dmitry Ivanovich at the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.
1389-1425 Vasily I Dmitrievich.
15 century
1425-1433 Vasily II Vasilyevich «the Dark». 1433-1434 Yury Dmitrievich Zvenigorodsky (Yury Galitsky), brother of Vasily Dmitrievich.
1434-1462 Vasily II Vasilyevich «the Dark».
1462-1505 Ivan III Vasilyevich «the Great».
16 century
1505-1533 Vasily III Ivanovich.1533-1538 Elena Glinskaya.
1533-1537 The beginning of reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich «the Terrible».
1538-1547 Boyar rule.
1547-1584 In 1547, upon reaching adulthood, Ivan was crowned Tsar of All Russia. Before him all rulers of Muscovy were Grand Princes. Ivan was the first to appoint himself the tsar, «Caesar», in the European tradition of «emperor», whose power comes directly from God.
1584-1598 Fyodor Ivanovich «the Blessed».
The End of the Rurik Dynasty.
1598-1605 Boris Fedorovich Godunov.
Before 1613 Start of the Time of Troubles.
17 century
April-June 1605 Fedor Borisovich Godunov. 1605-1606 False Dmitry I.
1606-1610 Vasily IV Shuisky.
1610-1613 Seven Boyars.
1613-1645 1st Tsar of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
1645-1676 Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov «the Tishayshy» (most quiet).
1676-1682 Fedor Alekseevich Romanov.
1682-1689 Sophia Alekseyevna ruled as regent of Russia.
1682-1696 Ivan V Alekseevich Romanov.
1682-1725 Peter I Alekseevich the Great.
18 century
1725-1727 Catherine I Alekseevna (wife of Peter I). 1727-1730 Peter II Alekseevich (grandson of Peter I - 12-year-old son of Tsarevich Alexei).
1730-1740 Anna Ioanovna (Peter I's niece - came from Kurland).
1740-1741 Ivan VI Antonovich (3-month-old nephew of Anna Ioannovna).
1741-1761 Elizaveta Petrovna (daughter of Peter I).
1761-1762 Peter III Fedorovich (grandson of Peter I, son of Anna Petrovna).
1762-1796 Catherine II Alekseevna (Peter III's wife).
1796-1801 Pavel I Petrovich.
19 century
1801-1825 Alexander I Pavlovich.1825-1855 Nikolai I Pavlovich.
1855-1881 Alexander II Nikolaevich.
1881-1894 Alexander III Aleksandrovich.
1894-1917 Nikolai II Aleksandrovich.
20 century
March-July 1917 Lvov Georgy Evgenievich. July-November 1917 Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich.
1917-1924 Ulyanov ( Lenin ) Vladimir Ilyich.
1924-1953 Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich.
1953-1964 Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich.
1964-1982 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.
1982-1984 Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov.
1984-1985 Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich.
1985-1991 Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich.
1991-1999 Boris Yeltsin.
since 1999 Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich.




